(19) Amazing Facts About German Shepherds

(19) Amazing Facts About German Shepherds

1- german shepherds are natural shepherds.

Originally, sheepdogs were responsible for guarding flocks of sheep and leading them from one field to another. This job required lightning fast reflexes and the ability to run fast when necessary. This breed turned out to be perfect for this job.

German Shepherds can reach speeds of up to 50 km per hour at full sprint. However, when guarding a herd, they trot rather than run and their speed is about 30 km per hour. They became the dog of choice for herding sheep, but this breed was to excel in many other areas as well.

At some point, a German cavalry officer noticed this impressive working dog and its wolf-like appearance. He bought a dog for him and the official history of the breed began.

2 The Father of the German Shepherd Dog Breed

In 1895, Max Von Shlephanitz bought the first German Shepherd at a dog show and named him Horand Von Grafath. Horand was the genetic basis of the German Shepherd Dog breed.

A few months later, hoping to create his own breed of working dogs from German breeds, Max founded the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde, the first German Shepherd Dog club. This club registered Horand under the number SZ1, making him the first official German Shepherd.

3- European and American breeders have different approaches.

The breed has changed somewhat since Max began his breeding program, depending on where you live.

American breeders have developed breed standards set by the American Kennel Club (AKC). These standards emphasize body shape and elegance of movement, making German Shepherds desirable as performance and show dogs.

European breeders, on the other hand, follow the Max von Stephanitz standards, which emphasize health, temperament and agility. Germany’s Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde oversees these standards, which require dogs to pass a series of tests. American breeding standards do not require these tests.

4- German Shepherds in the United States

German Shepherds first appeared in the United States in the early 20th century. The American Kennel Club recognized the German Shepherd Dog breed in 1908. In 1913, it crowned its first champion and founded the German Shepherd Dog Club. German Shepherds are reputed to be wolf-like dogs that can do whatever is asked of them.

Then came World War I, and with it came the displays of versatility and bravery that distinguished the German Shepherd Dog.

The 5th German Shepherds worked alongside soldiers in World War I and World War 11.

Max von Stephanitz worked to make the German Shepherd a versatile breed. When urbanization reduced the need for herding dogs, he introduced this intelligent, easy-to-train dog to the police and military.

During World War I, German Shepherds proved their bravery alongside their German soldiers on the battlefield, serving as Red Cross dogs, rescue dogs, watchdogs, messengers and guards. (In 1917, a dog named Lewanno’s Filax was honored as a war hero in Westminster after bringing 54 soldiers to safety.

Soldiers on both sides of the conflict admired the ability of these dogs to work in stressful and dangerous conditions. They were especially good at guiding visually impaired soldiers to safety.

During World War II, the Germans again used German Shepherds, but this time they were also used by the United States. The U.S. Army set up German Shepherd training centers and used them in so-called war dog platoons to work with soldiers on the battlefield. There were 15 such platoons in total, 7 in Europe and 8 in the Pacific.

Later, during the Korean and Vietnam wars, the U.S. Army again used German Shepherds on the battlefield and in military installations.

6- German Shepherds are the first guide dogs.

In June 1928, Morris Frank brought his dog Buddy to the United States from Switzerland, where dogs were being trained to help soldiers who had been blinded during World War I. Buddy was a female dog whose original name was “Buddy”. Buddy was a female dog whose original name was Kiss. After renaming her, Morris demonstrated her skills by having her lead him down a busy New York street in front of a crowd of reporters.

Buddy’s success on the streets sparked general interest in using sheepdogs to help the visually impaired. Today, most dogs that accompany visually impaired people are Labradors and retrievers. German Shepherds are no longer the most common breed in this role: today they are believed to be more suitable for police and military duties.

7- the Schutzhund, the official sport of the German Shepherd Dog.

The versatility of this breed is legendary. To demonstrate their intelligence and versatility, German Shepherd Dog lovers have created a sport called Schutzhund – “guard dog”- that highlights their natural abilities. In this sport, dogs undergo a series of demanding tests that include evaluations and training in the following categories:

Willingness to work
Bonding with the handler
Protective instinct
Training ability
Sense of smell
There are Schutzhund organizations and trainers all over the world where dogs can compete with their trainers.

8- other names for German Shepherds

Today, in the United States we call these dogs German Shepherds, but we don’t always call them that. After World War I, many countries rejected all things German, so in 1917 the AKC began calling them German Shepherds. This also happened in Europe, where they were called German shepherd Wolfhounds. Many years later, the Americans and Europeans recovered the original name, and today the official name of the breed is German Shepherd.

9- there are 11 recognized colors for the German Shepherd Dog.

Most of us think that the colors black and tan are standard for German Shepherds, but the AKC recognizes 11 colors as standard.

The disqualified – or undesirable – colors are white, blue and liver. In the AKC standard, these colors are considered serious faults. Dogs with these colors can be registered, but cannot compete in conformation classes at dog shows. White German Shepherds are always disqualified from conformation classes by the judges. However, dogs with undesirable colors may compete in obedience and agility classes, as these do not include conformation judging.

The breed colors are

Black and tan
Black and red
Black and cream
Steele Blue

10- German Shepherds have a double coat and a shed.

German Shepherds can have a short, medium or long coat. All varieties have a double coat. The longer coat is the overcoat, which contains longer guard hairs. The undercoat, which is softer and denser, protects the dog’s skin from extreme heat and cold. Both coat types shed a lot of hair, which has earned the German Shepherd the nickname “German comb”.

These dogs need to be brushed frequently, almost daily, to keep hair loss to a minimum. Without this brushing, you run the risk of the dog’s hair becoming a condiment in your home. These dogs shed year-round, but usually lose the most hair twice a year, in the fall and spring.

11- is the third smartest dog.

If you own a German Shepherd, you know how smart it is, but did you also know that it is the third smartest dog breed? Poodles and Border Collies beat them in intelligence, but you’d never know it.

Stanley Coren, author of the book “The Intelligence of Dogs,” claims that German Shepherds learn a new task after just five repetitions and respond correctly to commands 95% of the time. This explains why they have become so popular as police dogs. (I wish my dogs were as responsive!).

12- size and lifespan of the German Shepherd Dog

The German Shepherd is considered a very large breed. Males can reach a height of 24 to 26 inches and weigh between 65 and 90 pounds. Females are smaller, measuring 22 to 24 inches and weighing 50 to 70 pounds.

In general, German Shepherds are healthy dogs, although they do have some genetic health problems. Their life expectancy is 7 to 13 years, provided they receive regular veterinary care, exercise and eat a healthy, balanced diet.

13- German Shepherds are not dominant heroes.

Their intelligence and activity levels are high. Don’t expect your German Shepherd to join you on the couch if you don’t provide sufficient daily exercise and mental stimulation. Dogs that become bored – or are left alone for long periods of time – may become anxious and exhibit inappropriate behaviors, such as chewing the couch cushion or tearing up shoes.

These dogs need a large property to walk and play on. Learning tricks and obedience through positive reinforcement work well with this breed. Socialization is also important. German Shepherds are very protective of their owners and tend to be wary of strangers and other dogs or animals. Socialization of young puppies helps them to be tolerant when they meet someone new.

14- some famous german shepherd dog releases

We know Strongheart as the first German Shepherd to appear on film. His real name was Etzel Von Oeringern – Strongheart was his stage name. In 1921 he made his film debut in “The Silent Call” and also appeared in “Northern Brown” that same year. She later appeared in “The Love Master” and “White Fang” in 1925.

Who hasn’t heard of Rin Tin Tin? An American soldier rescued him on the battlefield in France during World War I, making him the first rescue dog. But it didn’t stop there. He quickly became the most famous German Shepherd of all time. Between 1922 and 1931, he starred in 27 films and was the first non-human to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

He arrived 15 minutes after the attack. Apollo and many other German Shepherds worked alongside their masters at the site despite the heat, smoke and danger. The fire and falling debris nearly killed him, but he survived and received the prestigious Dickin Medal for bravery and devotion to duty.

Trakr, another German Shepherd at Ground Zero, found the last survivor who had been trapped under the rubble for 27 hours.

15- The brave German Shepherd is far from his roots as a flock guardian.

Police dogs work as full-fledged policemen in collaboration with their owners to fight crime. Their agility, strength, intelligence and sense of smell have made them popular with the police.

They are proficient in body searches, tracking criminals, search and rescue missions and detecting drugs and explosives, to name just a few of their tasks.

16 There is a reason for this endearing nod.

The AKC has identified a few reasons for the head tilt we all love in German Shepherds. These dogs tilt their heads to see and hear better. I think they also do it when they’re trying to understand our pleas, but in any case, it’s cute to see floppy-eared German Shepherd puppies tilt their heads.

17- also coronavirus detection.

Just when you think the German Shepherd has done all the work you can think of, along comes the coronavirus. German Shepherds are also being trained to detect coronavirus in humans. A program to train them was launched in Finland in September 2020.

18- health problems in german shepherds

No matter how strong and healthy the German Shepherd breed is, no breed is free from genetic health problems. Some of their most common hereditary and genetic diseases are :

Degenerative myelopathy, a degenerative weakness in the hind legs. DNA testing can identify this disease in the parents of German Shepherds so that breeders can eliminate it from the parental lines.

Von Willebrand’s disease is an inherited clotting disorder. It is caused by the absence of Von Willebrand protein factor.

Hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia are also genetic problems in German Shepherds that can be certified and corrected by reputable breeders. Both cause painful joint problems that can make walking difficult.

Bloat occurs when the dog’s stomach fills with food, gas and liquid. This is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate action by a veterinarian.

Before buying a German Shepherd, look for a reputable breeder who has certifications and test results on any genetic predisposition in the parents and puppies.

19- usefulness and intelligence

The German Shepherd’s breed motto is “usefulness and intelligence,” which has enabled them to herd flocks, serve in the military, police, and as guide and assistance dogs. This has earned them numerous awards for their self-sacrificing service.

However, this noble work should not obscure the fact that they are wonderful family members. The German Shepherd is the second most popular breed among the 193 breeds registered with the AKC, as well as the second most popular breed worldwide. Each year, 130,000 new German Shepherd parents register their dog and introduce it into their family.

However, these dogs are not for the faint of heart or first-time breeders. They are large dogs that need daily exercise and structure. They will care for their family and companions, curl up on the couch to watch a movie, care for their human siblings and love them unconditionally. But they need to be socialized from a young age.

that’s all (19) Amazing Facts About German Shepherds

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