5 Common German Shepherd Health Problems popular

German Shepherd Health Problems

Problems with the thyroid gland

Thyroid problems are among the most common problems that owners of German Shepherds have with their dogs. For some reason, Alsatians have a lot of problems with their endocrine levels. Having your dog tested regularly for these problems is one of the best ways to prevent them from becoming life-threatening.


This condition is characterized by a “wandering lameness” or is sometimes referred to simply as “pano” by veterinarians. It usually occurs between the fifth and fourteenth months of life and is often referred to as “growing pains” by those who notice their dog using only three of its four legs or limping. Although this condition is visible on x-rays, it is neither congenital nor permanent.

German Shepherds grow very fast and very large from a small puppy to a large adult dog, so they actually have pains to grow just like other large animals. Although for a young German Shepherd this pain can be excruciating, but these pains do not last anyway and disappear after a period of one and a half to two years. of age. However, if the dog can’t get rid of it as he gets older, it may be a sign of a real illness that should be taken to the doctor.

Bladder Stones

German Shepherds are unfortunately quite prone to developing bladder stones. Bladder stones are the most common form. They are quite uncomfortable in their mildest form. However, most of the time they are very painful for your dog and can be very difficult to empty. If left untreated for too long, they can lead to serious chronic health problems, with bladder and kidney damage being the most common.

A number of factors can contribute to the development of bladder stones, which occur when crystalline material builds up in your dog’s bladder. Normally, when your dog’s urine is sufficiently acidic, these crystals dissolve and are excreted in the urine.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Many dogs have difficulty dissolving the minerals in their urine and require treatment to help remove the bladder stones or have them surgically removed.

One of the most common and effective methods is to give your dog a special food for bladder stones. Many companies have produced foods that help prevent the formation of crystalline substances that are known to accumulate in the bladder, greatly reducing the risk of your dog developing bladder or kidney stones.


German Shepherds are more prone to allergies than other breeds. These can be environmental allergies, such as an allergy to grass or certain types of pollen, or food allergies. Common food allergies include corn, gluten, rice and chicken.

Feeding your German Shepherd a natural food formulated specifically for the breed is the best way to ensure your dog is getting the type of food he needs; make sure it is allergen free. Not all dogs are allergic to everything, and some German Shepherds have no allergies at all.

However, if you notice that his skin is red and irritated and he scratches frequently, he is probably suffering from a serious condition and you should have him treated for allergies. A veterinarian can recommend the most appropriate tablets, but even Benadryl or Claritin, which are formulated for humans, can be given to a German Shepherd.

German Shepherd Health Problems: Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed. This may occur once in your dog’s life or several times, depending on the dog and diet. It usually has an environmental cause, such as eating dog food that is too high in fat, even though the dog is not used to eating that type of food.

You should take your dog to the vet, especially if this problem occurs repeatedly.

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